send a note

美 [send ə noʊt]英 [send ə nəʊt]
  • 寄短信
send a notesend a note
  1. • on a regular basis , send a note to communicate progress and current tasks .


  2. A man once wanted to borrow a cow from a wealthy man , so he had his servant send a note to the wealthy man .


  3. If you receive a job offer before you have had a chance to send a note ; thank the employer for both the interview and the offer .


  4. Push some tasks for the next day , if the task is too important and has to be completed the same day , then send a note home that you will be late


  5. Acknowledge something that someone has done for you and send a note or a small bouquet of flowers . Youll put a smile on their face and yours .


  6. Send a note promptly after every interview even a phone interview and don 't forget to thank anyone who helped you along the way , including references and the contact who referred you to the job opening .


  7. In a trial designed to determine how strong our urge is to spread gossip , some participants even said they would spend money in order to send a note warning others about people they had seen cheating in a trust exercise .


  8. See , I was gonna send you a note .


  9. A : I 'll send you a note about that .


  10. What type of person would send such a note ? Was it an enemy ?


  11. Please feel free to send us a note and let us know how we are doing .


  12. I 'll send him a note in case he forgets .


  13. After a job interview , send a handwritten note instead of an email .


  14. Perhaps I am supposed to send a thank-you note .


  15. A month or so after you leave , send a friendly note to your former colleagues .


  16. If you do send a thank-you note , always check for spelling and grammar !


  17. Send a thank-you note to your doctor .


  18. Step 7 Send a thank-you note


  19. When expressing thanks to a business client who has given you a gift , you should send a handwritten note .


  20. Send a short note every couple of weeks , to make sure you 're not forgotten in the press of other applicants .


  21. However some point remembers firmly : No matter the political integrity section , must send a short note to the wife to roar the wife to be happy .


  22. It is customary in the west to send a thank-you note / postcard in response to expressions of sympathy / condolence .


  23. Given how important these sovereign ratings have become and how on edge markets are , for S & P to accidentally send out a note like this borders on comical .


  24. If you want to send a private note to your friend John Doe , you encrypt that message with John Doe 's public key ( which you 've stored on your own keyring ) .


  25. Nobody says " the dog ate my homework " anymore , but we hear a lot of " I left it on the kitchen table . " And then Mom will send in a note to back up the story .


  26. We undercharge Mr.Smith and have to send him a debit note for the extra amount .


  27. Send a thank you note as soon as possible .


  28. You might want to send a thank you note and a decline in writing .


  29. Send a thank you note : Always send a thank you note after the interview .


  30. He prevailed on the lieutenant to send in a short note .
